I’m so psych right now I’m bubbling with elated joy. These past few days I have been researching on the type of race these girls should engaged in. First I went to the library (children’s section of course) to find books on Nascar racing; I didn’t know that was the only kind besides stock racing, vintage racing, etc. but from my understanding it’s all under Nascar. And I’m like greaaat got to learn all the rules to make my story legit. So I googled Nascar Racing and found a irrelevant website for dummies (Wikipedia) and it told me that Nascar rules is only for members and that is all they will reveal (Besides the fact that it’s based on a point system). So I was like fudge you Wikipedia I’m going to make my own race and I did!
The name of the racing company I’m going to create is called The Troika Circuit because it’s a group race of three members. There are three major races. One will be in Tokyo (Japan), the other in Hong Kong (China), and the last in Seoul (Korea). However, before the participants are submitted into these races, they have to rack up enough points in three challenging races. So the season starts like this, First a lap race (around a circle), second an obstacle race (going to have them do something dangerous and challenging) and third a rally race (racing in a dangerous part of the country because of its weather or landscape). If they can rack up enough points in all three races then they can enter the first Major race and that will be in Tokyo. Are you following me? If not don’t worry its all outline below.
1. Tokyo
a. Lap race
b. Obstacle race
c. Rally Race (Sapporo City/ Area)
2. Hong Kong
a. Lap race
b. Obstacle race
c. Rally Race (Taklamaka Desert/Tarim Desert High way)
3. Seoul
a. Lap race
b. Obstacle race
c. Rally Race (Chuseok Mountain)